Ms. Tomoko from Byakko visits The Peacemakers' Circle

On February 27, 2007 (Tuesday) Byakko Shinko Kai representative from Japan, Ms. Tomoko Ukai, visited The Peacemakers' Circle Interfaith Dialogue Center and. along with Mr. Mario " Toots" Fungo, gave a talk about Byakko Shinko Kai & World Peace Prayer Society during their Tuesday Inner Work Circle Open Evening session. Peacemakers' Inner Work members from different faith tradiditons were glad to hear Ms. Tomoko's sharing on Byakko spirituality, her personal testimonies about Mandala-writing and the practice of Divinity In.

Mandala & Divinity In Workshop March 4, 2007

A Mandala-writing & Divinity-In Workshop was conducted by Mr. Mario "Toots" Fungo and the Mandala-Shinjin core group at The Peacemakers' Circle office in Quezon City last March 4, 2007 (Sunday).