A testimonial from a Mandala workshop participant

A few days after the Mandala & In workshop last July 29, 2007 we received this feedback (through text messaging) from Lizette Salazar (girl with the pink shirt) who was one of the participants:

"Thanks so much for sharing with us [the] experience [of mandala-writing]. So many good things happened :D The thoughts are becoming things! All of my thoughtswhich I wrote are becomingreality so fast. It was the first time I spent one hour by just focusing on positive things, writing it.

There is really so much power in Mandala Writing! MW! More Wow! :D

Kindly share this with Toots and the rest of the members."

(text received Aug.1 - Wednesday 7:27am)

Infinite Thanks, Lizette, for your inspiring feedback! May infinite blessings continue to flow through you!

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